Support Group

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You Are Not Alone


People who claim to see ghosts are not taken seriously, you may think that you are alone. Let us assure you, you are not alone. For many individuals, sharing their home with a ghostly entity can be a strange, even terrifying experience. Not knowing what to do about it can be ever so frustrating.


In our support group we will listen. Sharing your stories with others that have or are going through the same type of events will ease your fears. We will help you to understand the types of hauntings, and discuss environmental factors that may be causing your haunting. We will help you find solutions that will work for you.


Gain support from others who have or are experiencing the same type of phenomenon. Gain knowledge, this knowledge will give you great peace of mind. You don’t have to be alone anymore.

Due to the sensitive nature of our support group and keeping clients anonymity, call our office 513-800-0266 for location and time.  

Gain peace of mind, you can email us at: