Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP's)

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What is an EVP?

Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP), is the process of recording the voices of the dead on a analog or digital recorder. Recorded voices and sounds that are not normally heard with the ear but can be heard on playback. Many ghost hunters, believe evps to be voices of ghosts or spirits trying to communicate with the living.

Sarah Estep founder of the The American Association - Electronic Voice Phenomenon (AA-EVP) has developed a system for grading EVP:

CLASS A: EVP is a message that can be heard without headphones and that people can generally agree on its content

CLASS B: EVP requires a headphone to distinguish message content and not everyone will agree on the message.

CLASS C: EVP requires headphone, often needs amplification and filtering and will seldom even be heard by others.

EVP's can be recorded anywhere and at anytime. The voices do not always sound human. Many times they are just faint whispers or one word or maybe a sound such as knocking. We use a standard cassette recorder, always with a new tape. We also use several digital recorders. We usually start off by asking questions such as "Is there anyone here with us" and giving ample time for the ghosts to respond before asking our next question. We feel it is best to have one person ask the questions. And it is much easier to spot them on playback if you were as quiet as possible when your questions are being asked, but we have picked up strange voices and sounds among our chatter or while setting up equipment. If you must talk while recording evps always speak in a normal voice, never whisper.


List of EVP's

Don't Go
Private Investigation

Private Investigation

Case # ALL4007-08
Private Investigation

EVP #1